Dark Things

Book Cover: Dark Ink by Lainey Delaroque

Dark Ink by Lainey Delaroque

I’m going to start out by saying that Lainey Delaroque‘s Club Lavender world is pure brilliance and expanding that world into the Dark Things series was the perfect way to continue with the stories of the supporting cast. No, you don’t need to have read the Club Lavender Duet to get into Dark Ink, but your experience will be so much richer if you do.

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Book Cover: Dark Rings by Lainey Delaroque

Dark Rings by Lainey Delaroque

Hold Up! Have you read the Club Lavender Duet yet? No? Go do that. Okay, so it’s not strictly necessary to read those two books before you start Dark Rings, but it makes for a much richer reading experience if you have. And they’re bloody good books too. Once you’ve read them you’ll recognise Hanako, Mathias and Connor and realise that you’ve been waiting to

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