Dana Isaly

Dana Isaly is a writer of dark romance, fantasy romance, and has also been known to dabble in poetry (it was a phase in college, leave her alone).

She was born in the Midwest and has been all over but now resides (begrudgingly) in Alabama. She is a lover of books, coffee, and rainy days. Dana is probably the only person in the writing community that is actually a morning person.

She swears too much, is way too comfortable on her TikTok, and believes that love is love is love.

You can find her on Instagram (@danaisalyauthorpage) or on Facebook with the same name. Honestly though, the best place to get in touch with her is on TikTok (@authordanaisaly) because she isn’t great with any other social media.

Book Cover: Liars by Dana Isaly

Liars by Dana Isaly

I need to start off with a little rant because Liars is guilty of something I hate. Namely, a huge gaping gap between the release of two books in a series. I hate when I pick up a book and it’s been so long since I read its predecessor that I need a TV-style “previously on…” to remind me what the first one was about. […]

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